Cyber Security for protecting employees working from home

By | Published On: 25 May 2022 | 2.4 min read |

With the rise of remote work, it’s now more convenient than ever to have a virtual team. But if this becomes standard business practice and not just an enforced necessity then you’ll need formalised security measures in place for them – especially because unchecked home routers can compromise your entire network!

With the recent rise in cyberattacks and data breaches, more people are looking to home-working as a way of living life on their own terms. This means you will need create processes for cybersecurity when it comes time your family uses devices at home or if they bring their personal smartphone into work with them too!

Keeping your employees safe is a top priority. Make sure they’re all set with the latest software and privacy protection tools to keep them protected from malware on their devices, as well as any other potential threats that could be lurking around online!

Your company’s perimeter is now the homes of your employees. You need to upgrade it and have tools in place so you can identify threats before they penetrate into sensitive areas, like data centres or servers with valuable information on them. Detection controls allow for limited exposure while monitoring gives an accurate visualization of where these vulnerabilities lie – giving you peace-of mind that no one will be able get past any security measures set up by yours truly!

Implement multifacting authentication for VPN access, IP address whitelisting and limits on remote desktop protocol (RDP) to strengthen your company’s security. Heightened scrutiny should also be given when accessing networks remotely as this will help protect against any potential threats or vulnerabilities that could pose as risks in our increasingly electronically diverse world where everything from cars brakes systems etc., rely heavily upon technology

In order words: You need strong policies & practices related to electronic data transaction management so there are no gaps!

Take action against phishing by making sure your employees are trained. Set up simulated spear-phishing attacks to keep them alert, and try simulating an attack that promises recipients information about COVID 19 or pretending as IT help desks performing work from home checks for you!

One of the most important things to remember about cybersecurity is that it’s not just computers we need protect – your phone, tablet or other devices also contain sensitive information. So don’t wait until there are problems! Apply traditional thinking when designing a plan for both employees’ personal workspace as well as larger networks in order avoid being hacked from either side:

Employees will have more success protecting themselves if they can think critically while working remotely without having any obvious security flaws caved into by hackers looking at their target’s data; And companies should always prepare responses quickly so none get left vulnerable with no way out after an attack takes place

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