How to Create a Secure Online Environment for Children

By | Published On: 28 November 2023 | 4.5 min read |

“Is the internet a safe place for my children?” 

This question, simple yet profound, is one that many parents grapple within today’s digital age. It was also a central discussion point in a recent ‘Security Everywhere’ LinkedIn Live session, which felt less like a formal presentation and more like a communal dialogue among parents and experts navigating the digital landscape together.

As guardians in this tech-centric era, recognising the responsibility to ensure our children’s online safety is crucial. The internet, a boundless realm of knowledge and interaction, presents both incredible opportunities and significant challenges. This article aims to share insights and strategies, inspired by expert advice and collective experiences, on how to create a nurturing and secure online environment for our children. It’s a journey of guidance and learning, akin to teaching them to safely navigate the physical world.

Why You Really Should Be Paying Attention

Before we delve into the specific strategies and considerations for online safety, it’s crucial to understand the real-world impact of our digital footprints, especially for children. A compelling example from the “Navigating Online Safety for Children” video vividly illustrates this point.

In our video, a guest speaker shares a story about a digital campaign by Dutch Telecom featuring a girl named Ella. Ella’s parents regularly posted her photos and videos online, unknowingly creating a detailed digital profile. This profile was later used to create a grown-up version of Ella, which was showcased in a cinema. The story highlights the unintended consequences of sharing images online, such as the potential for these images to be turned into memes, used inappropriately, or even lead to identity theft and false accusations.

This example underscores the importance of being cautious about what we share online. The digital information of children is particularly vulnerable and can be exploited in ways that have long-lasting and damaging effects.

1. Understanding the Digital Landscape for Children

Recognising Online Risks for Children

In the ‘Security Everywhere’ session, a cybersecurity expert recounted an incident involving a young boy who accidentally encountered disturbing content online. This story serves as a stark reminder of the unfiltered nature of the internet and the potential risks it poses to young, impressionable minds.

Educating Children About Online Safety

The session underscored a vital message: “Education is your most powerful tool.” Engaging in open dialogues with children about the internet, its benefits, and its dangers is essential. It’s about empowering them with knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely.

2. Implementing Protective Measures

Using Parental Controls and Monitoring Tools

A common misconception discussed was that parental controls are invasive. However, experts clarified that these tools are about setting healthy boundaries and guiding children in their digital exploration, much like supporting them in their early steps.

Creating a Safe Online Environment

One parent shared their approach of placing the family computer in a communal area, transforming it into a shared, inclusive space. This strategy is not just about monitoring but about participating in and understanding children’s online activities.

3. Responding to Online Threats

Dealing with Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

A particularly moving part of the session was when a parent shared their child’s encounter with cyberbullying. This highlighted the need for parents to provide a supportive and responsive environment where children feel comfortable discussing any online issues.

Handling Exposure to Inappropriate Content

An educator suggested using instances of exposure to inappropriate content as teachable moments. Rather than just disciplining, it’s about engaging in a dialogue to understand and learn from these experiences.

4. Fostering Digital Resilience and Citizenship

Building Digital Resilience

The session emphasised teaching children to be digitally resilient. This involves developing skills to cope with and respond to online challenges, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging safe and respectful digital choices.

Promoting Positive Digital Citizenship

Teaching children about positive digital citizenship is crucial. It’s about instilling values of responsible and respectful internet use, understanding the impact of their online behaviour, and respecting others’ privacy and rights.

5. Staying Informed and Engaged

Keeping Up with Digital Trends

Staying abreast of the latest digital trends, apps, and platforms popular among children is vital for parents. This knowledge helps in providing relevant and effective guidance.

Engaging with Schools and Communities

Collaboration with schools and community organisations can enhance children’s online safety. Engaging in educational workshops and discussions about digital safety offers additional resources and support for parents.


Navigating the internet is a team effort. Parents, teachers, and guardians are key players, guiding kids to pick up good online habits, understand the risks, and use tech wisely. It’s all about shaping their digital footprint—the trail they leave with each click, post, and share.

But it’s not just on families. Companies and tech creators also need to step up, making sure the digital spaces and tools they build are safe for everyone, especially the younger crowd. They need to prioritise safety, ensuring the digital world is a secure space for children to explore, learn, and grow safely.

So, when we talk about creating a “more secure online environment,” we’re not talking about building something new from scratch. It’s about making the most of what we’ve got—teaching kids to be smart online users and encouraging businesses to keep safety front and center. Together, we’re all about making the internet a better place for our kids to roam.

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