Digital Parenting: Keeping Children Safe Online

By | Published On: 24 November 2023 | 5.6 min read |

In today’s interconnected world, the concept of parenting extends beyond the physical realm into the digital. As parents, we’re navigating uncharted waters, striving to balance the benefits of the internet with its potential risks. This article delves into the essence of digital parenting, aiming to equip parents with the knowledge and tools needed to guide their children safely through the digital landscape.

A striking revelation from the video “Navigating Online Safety for Children” is that by the age of 11, nearly half of all children in the UK have already created their own social media profiles, despite most platforms setting the minimum age at 13. This early engagement poses several risks. 

Firstly, children at this age may not have developed the critical thinking skills needed to navigate the complexities of social media, including discerning between genuine content and misinformation. 

Secondly, they are more vulnerable to online risks such as cyberbullying, grooming by predators, and exposure to content that is inappropriate for their age group. The psychological impact is also significant; children may struggle with issues related to self-esteem and identity, as they are exposed to the curated, often unrealistic portrayals of life on these platforms. 

Additionally, the lack of maturity in understanding and managing privacy settings can lead to oversharing, leaving them exposed to data privacy issues.

Understanding this early exposure and its potential risks is a critical component of digital parenting. With this in mind, to better prepare ourselves for the crucial role of digital parenting in the modern age let’s explore the digital habits of UK children, focusing on popular apps, average screen time, and the challenges encountered on different platforms., to better prepare ourselves for the crucial role of digital parenting in the modern age.

Understanding the Digital World from a Parent’s Perspective

The digital world is a vast and varied landscape, constantly evolving and presenting new challenges for parents. In the UK, children’s online habits are as diverse as they are dynamic. Let’s explore these habits, focusing on popular apps, average screen time, and the issues encountered on different platforms.

Popular Apps Among UK Children

  • For younger children, apps like YouTube Kids, Toca Boca, and CBeebies are popular for their engaging and educational content.
  • Pre-teens are often drawn to social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, where they can express themselves creatively and connect with peers.
  • Teenagers tend to gravitate towards more interactive platforms such as Discord for gaming communities, WhatsApp for messaging, and platforms like Twitch for live streaming.

Average Screen Time by Age Group

  • Young children (ages 3-5) typically spend about an hour a day on screens, not including television viewing.
  • For children aged 6-11, screen time can average between 1.5 to 2 hours daily, with a notable increase during weekends and holidays.
  • Teenagers (12-15 years) often exceed 3 hours of screen time per day, with some spending much longer, especially when including time spent on homework and streaming services.

Issues Encountered on Different Platforms

  • On video platforms like YouTube Kids, there’s a risk of exposure to inappropriate content due to algorithmic recommendations.
  • Social media apps, particularly TikTok and Instagram, can present challenges around online bullying, peer pressure, and exposure to harmful content.
  • Interactive platforms like Discord and Twitch can expose children to online predators and inappropriate conversations, especially in less moderated spaces.

Understanding these habits and challenges is the first step in effective digital parenting. It’s about being aware of where our children spend their time online and the potential risks they face in these digital spaces. As highlighted in the “Security Everywhere” LinkedIn Live session, the story of Ella, shared by a guest speaker, serves as a poignant reminder of the long-lasting impact of our digital footprints.

The Role of Parents in Digital Education

In the digital age, parents must become students themselves, learning about the online worlds their children inhabit. It’s crucial to stay informed about the latest apps and digital trends. This knowledge not only helps in understanding children’s online behaviours but also in guiding them effectively.

Tips for Parents:

  • Regularly explore and familiarise yourself with the apps and platforms your children use.
  • Attend online safety workshops or webinars, many of which are freely available.
  • Engage in conversations with other parents and educators to share insights and experiences.

Establishing Digital Boundaries and Guidelines

Setting digital boundaries is akin to teaching children to cross the road safely. It’s about instilling a sense of responsibility and awareness.

Practical Advice:

  • Establish clear rules about screen time, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with sleep, physical activities, and schoolwork.
  • Discuss the types of websites and apps that are appropriate for their age.
  • Use parental controls to help manage and monitor online activities, ensuring these measures are age-appropriate and not overly restrictive.

Open Communication and Trust Building

Open communication is the cornerstone of effective digital parenting. It’s about creating an environment where children feel comfortable discussing their online experiences, both good and bad.

Strategies for Parents:

  • Initiate regular discussions about online activities in a non-intrusive manner.
  • Encourage children to share their online experiences, including any uncomfortable or worrying incidents.
  • React calmly and supportively to their concerns, avoiding immediate judgement or punishment.

Proactive Measures for Online Safety

Proactive measures are essential in safeguarding children online. This involves teaching them about online privacy and the importance of protecting personal information.

Key Measures:

  • Educate children about the risks of sharing personal information online.
  • Regularly check privacy settings on apps and platforms used by your children.
  • Teach them to recognise and report suspicious or inappropriate behaviour online.

Dealing with Online Risks and Challenges

Online risks, such as cyberbullying and exposure to inappropriate content, require a responsive and supportive approach from parents.

Guidance for Parents:

  • Discuss the implications of cyberbullying and encourage children to report any instances.
  • Use exposure to inappropriate content as an opportunity for discussion, not just discipline.
  • Stay calm and supportive, providing practical advice on how to handle these situations.

Encouraging Positive Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is about using the internet responsibly and respectfully. Teaching children the principles of good digital citizenship is crucial.

Tips for Fostering Digital Citizenship:

  • Instil values of respect and empathy in online interactions.
  • Discuss the impact of their digital footprint and the long-term consequences of online behaviour.
  • Encourage critical thinking about the reliability and source of online information.


Digital parenting is an ongoing journey of learning and adaptation. By staying informed, setting clear guidelines, fostering open communication, and teaching positive digital citizenship, we can create a safer online environment for our children. The digital world offers immense opportunities for learning and growth, and with the right guidance, our children can navigate it safely and responsibly. Let’s work together to ensure a positive and secure digital future for the next generation.

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