Cyber Scam Survival Guide: Identifying Threats and Navigating Reporting Processes

By | Published On: 7 November 2023 | 5.4 min read |

“OH NO! I’ve been scammed!” 

That sinking feeling hits you like a wave as you realise your personal information, perhaps your savings or passwords, has fallen into the wrong hands. It’s a moment of panic, confusion, and betrayal. You’re not alone in this; countless individuals find themselves in this daunting situation. But what do you do next? How do you regain control and safeguard your digital life? This guide by Security Everywhere, inspired by the expert insights from the YouTube video “What do I do if I have been hacked or scammed“, will walk you through the immediate steps to take and how to prevent future incidents.

Immediate Steps After Realising You’ve Been Scammed 

The immediate response to realising you’ve been scammed is crucial. First, take a deep breath and try to stay calm. Assess the situation to understand what information or assets have been compromised. If it’s financial information, like bank details or credit card numbers, contact your financial institutions immediately to secure your accounts. Change passwords for any affected online accounts, especially if the scam involved your digital identity or personal information.

Document every detail about the scam, including emails, messages, and transaction records. This information will be vital when you report the scam. If your computer or network is compromised, disconnect from the internet to prevent further access to your data or personal information. Remember, the quicker you act, the better your chances of mitigating the damage.

Immediate Response Steps:

Stay Calm: Take a deep breath to maintain composure. Panic can cloud judgment and hinder effective response.

Assess the Situation: Determine what information or assets have been compromised. Is it financial data, personal identification, or digital access?

Contact Financial Institutions: If bank details or credit card numbers are involved, immediately inform your banks or credit card companies to secure your accounts.

Change Passwords: Update passwords for all affected online accounts. Prioritize accounts with sensitive information like email, banking, and social media.

Document the Scam: Collect and organize all evidence related to the scam:

  • Emails and messages received from the scammer.
  • Transaction details if any financial activity occurred.
  • Any other relevant communication or documentation.
  • Disconnect Compromised Devices: If your computer or network is involved in the scam, disconnect from the internet to prevent further data breaches or access to your information.

Act Quickly: The faster you respond to the scam, the more you can limit the damage and improve the chances of a positive outcome.

Reporting the Scam 

Reporting the scam promptly is essential. Start by filing a report with your local police department. In the UK, you can also report to Action Fraud, the national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre. If the scam is cyber-related, contacting the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) can provide you with additional support and guidance.

Inform your financial institutions if the scam involved any financial transactions. 

They can help secure your accounts and monitor for any suspicious activity. Additionally, if the scam occurred on an online platform, such as social media or a marketplace, report it directly to the platform. They can take action against the scammer and might be able to help you recover your account or lost assets.

Impact on You and Your Business Post-Scam 

The aftermath of a cyber scam can have a profound impact on you and your business. This is vividly illustrated in the Security Everywhere YouTube video “What do I do if I have been hacked or scammed“.  The panel, including experts like Francis West and Theo Nell, discusses various scenarios that you, as a business owner or individual, might face post-scam.

Ransomware and Business Email Compromises: These types of attacks can severely disrupt your business operations. The panel shares examples, such as a business losing critical digital assets, like a chef losing over 10,000 followers on Instagram due to account compromise. This underscores the necessity for you to implement robust digital security measures and maintain regular backups of your digital assets.

Recovering Social Media Accounts: If your business heavily relies on social media, losing access to these platforms can be catastrophic. You should include steps for securing and recovering social media accounts, emphasising the importance of two-factor authentication and regular monitoring of account activities to promptly detect any unusual actions.

Navigating Invoice Fraud with Banks: Invoice fraud, where businesses receive fraudulent invoices, is a prevalent issue. The panel suggests you immediately report to banks and scrutinise financial communications for any signs of fraud. You should establish protocols for verifying the authenticity of invoices and financial requests.

Post-Hack Targeting: The likelihood of being targeted again post-hack is a significant concern. The experts discuss the importance of not just responding to a scam but proactively enhancing security measures to prevent future incidents. This includes conducting regular security audits, training your staff on cybersecurity, and updating your security systems.

Psychology Behind Scams: Understanding the psychology behind scams is crucial for you and your team. Scammers often exploit cognitive biases, creating a sense of urgency or authority to deceive their targets. You should cultivate a mindset of scepticism and vigilance, encouraging your team to question unsolicited contacts and offers that seem too good to be true.

Preventing Future Scams 

Understanding different types of cyber scams is key to prevention. Phishing scams, for instance, involve tricking individuals into giving away sensitive information through deceptive emails or messages. Social engineering scams exploit human psychology, manipulating people into breaking normal security procedures. Ransomware attacks involve malware that encrypts a victim’s data and demands a ransom for its release.

To build a secure digital environment, implement strong passwords and use two-factor authentication. Regularly update your software and be cautious about the information you share online. Stay informed about the latest cyber threats by subscribing to security bulletins and attending educational webinars, like those offered by Security Everywhere.

Engage in online forums and communities focused on cybersecurity. These platforms are excellent for sharing experiences and learning from others. Consider formal cybersecurity training or courses to deepen your understanding of how to protect yourself and your organisation from cyber threats.


Recovering from a cyber scam can be challenging, but with the right steps and a proactive approach, you can safeguard your digital presence. This guide not only helps you navigate the aftermath of a scam but also equips you with the knowledge to prevent future threats. 

Remember, in the digital world, vigilance is your strongest ally.

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